Thursday, March 24, 2011

Intentionally walking The Barry Bonds Perjury Trial

Intentionally walking The Barry Bonds Perjury Trial

Have you guys have enough but this Barry Bonds perjury trial? I know I have, and I’m sick and tired of this witchhunt waste of taxpayers money shit. Give Bonds a 4 pitch intentional free pass, and be done with it already!

So Bonds might have lied about using steroids, and I really stress the words “might have”.

Did anyone really care back in 2001 when Bonds smacked 73 home runs? As I recall, people were glued to their TV sets just to see how many home runs he might hit. We were all wondering “will he break McGwire’s record?” “And if he break McGwire’s record, would he be able to hit over 75 home runs?” How many people back then were all that obsessed with whether or not Barry bonds was taking steroids?

Read the rest @ Intentionally walking The Barry Bonds Perjury Trial

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